

Stipend/ Free Studentship offered by Gushkara Mahavidyalaya


Limited number i.e., 10% of enrolled students of 1st Semester, 3rd Semester and 5th Semester are entitled to get free-studentship (full free/half free of tuition fees) from college fund. This process was initiated from A.Y. 2002-03. This stipend is available for meritorious and financially disadvantaged students with regular attendance. Regular students can apply when it is notified by college authority. Physically challenged students, students from BPL category and meritorious girl students will get priority for this. List of eligible students will be made on the basis of Marks/ Grade obtained in the immediately last exam, financial condition and attendance in classes as mentioned below:


Criteria from the minutes of the Stipend Sub-Committee held on 02.07.2024

  • Resolved that economic condition, merit and percentage of attendance in the college will be considered before getting / allowing a student free ship (full/ half)
  • A 10-point score is prepared for the combined Marks as follows

Income: 3 Points

Marks in last Exam: 3 Points

College Attendance: 4 Points

Monthly Income

4001-6000/- = 3

6001-7000/- = 2

7001-8000/- = 1

Grade 7 and above = 3

Grade 5 to below 7 = 2

Grade 4 to below 5 = 1

50 % - 60 % = 1

61 % - 70 % = 2

71 % - 80 % = 3

81 % and above = 4


  • Applications from BPL category, physically challenged and meritorious girl students will get special attention (benefited by one extra point for each section).
  • Students who didn’t get scholarship from any other sources will get distinct consideration.


  • Gushkara Mahavidyalaya
  •   Gushkara, Purba Bardhaman
  •   Phone No. (03452) 255105
  •   Email Id: